A Blog Break

By now, maybe you’ve realized that I am a little behind on my blog posting. For the last 3 years, I have scheduled blog posts to come out every Monday, doing my best to front load the work and automate it while I travel. Sadly, I have fallen behind and the reality is: writing, editing the pictures, and uploading the posts takes quite a bit of effort and time.

As I write this, I am in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia and staying in a house with some people I have met in the last year. Initially, I came here because I thought it would be the perfect place to buckle down, lock myself in a room, and write blog posts until my fingers started cramping. Instead, I have have been connecting with friends, watching the sunrise and sunset, going on walks and out to eat, practicing yoga, planting corals, and reconnecting with nature in the Borneo rainforest. While, yes, I could lock myself in a room for the sake of keeping my blog updated, I don’t want it to be at the cost of missing out on these other experiences.

After post 178, when I said goodby to SV Sierra Wind and closed the chapter on the first 3 years of my adventure, I debated ending the blog for good. When I first started it at the end of 2020, I envisioned using it to document my trip sailing for 1-2 years but the trip has evolved since then and now traveling has become my full time lifestyle and this blog is a weekly diary of sorts.

I still journal what’s going on every day, take pictures, and intend to keep posting because I love telling the story. Just know that the posts won’t be as consistent as before. Maybe when I get back home, I’ll sit down and create a backlog again. But for now, I’m prioritizing my time for the present experience.

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